
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

amanwithaview Say WHAT, Anderson Cooper? News that's pretty much old news July 3, 2012

Anderson and Ben sittin' in a tree...  (From:
Truth be told, I was pondering a post (for the past week and a half) that was based on a NY Times article called "How Celebrities Come Out Now."  I will link this interesting article here in a minute.  Patrick Healy, the author, took a look at what it takes for a celeb to do it now, comparatively to what it took to come out in the past.  How is it done, and how does it affect a person in 2012?

Shockingly (I JOKE), Entertainment Weekly came up with a COMPLETELY different headlining story (Haaaaaa....RIP OFF) a few weeks later called, " The New Art of Coming Out."  Sound familiar?    The only difference, actually, is the fact that EW had some gloriously glossy photos of celebs that have come out in HW and survived to tell the tale.  Great work, EW!

My sole purpose in thinking about this topic was the fact that when Cooper came out, he did so in response to a friend asking him for his thoughts on the EW article.  REALLY?  I question his friend's immediate reaction to an article in EW instead of his reaction to an article in the friggin' NY Times.  Come on HW... (I've said that before).

So, that is my beef with this whole situation.  An ENTERTAINMENT magazine spawned an announcement of what the LGBTQ community has known for quite a while.  I knew he was gay.  I did.  Not factually, as in I slept with Mr. Cooper (BUT I would).  I simply knew it.   I didn't think an article in EW would cause him to make a coming out statement.

I digress...BACK to my beef.  Read the NY Times article here:

The article that SHOULD have influenced Cooper to his announcement  (From: NY Times)

Followed by the blatant rip-off cover story in EW (you be the judge):

The author of this article in EW should be questioned on how he came up with the premise of this story stolen from the NY Times...Just sayin'  (From: EW)

Now, back to Anderson's "announcement."  Click here to read his full email response to his friend, based off the EW article:

Andrew Sullivan, in The Daily Beast, gets his Cooper "OUTING"  (From: thedailybeast)

Anderson's email is powerful.  He tells it like it is, how it has been, and how it will be according to him.  He seems unafraid of the impact his announcement will have on both himself and the world around him.  I think he's underestimating the impact he's having on the youth of the world.  They now have a successful celebrity, famous for doing ACTUAL work, to look up to.  I think his mail is going to be more abundant now.  I just hope he reads it.  He'll find out that he has probably saved quite a few lives.

I just wanted to say, "Thank you, Anderson," on behalf of the youth that you've just influenced.  You've taken a powerful stance to those who employ you, those who watch you, and those who love you.

And, just so you all don't think I've gotten to "deep,"  here you go:

Shirtless WITH Kathy Griffin.  Wish I'd been there.  (From:


  1. Shirtless man, nice. No really I liked what you had to say it was well written as usual. Did you see that bit on his show w/Kathy G..Funny funny stuff!

  2. Oh Yeah like the new profile pic too!

  3. I like reading what you write. Keep it coming and tell this chick how to just subscribe. I tried below, but it just took me to other issues.
